Thanksgiving In Uganda

The following is a report from a young couple named Paul & Monika who lead a team to St. Ameria’s orphanage this last November. In addition to a Thanksgiving feast, Streams of Mercy sent a donation with them to repair roofs on the orphanage facilities: “We’ve brought you a Thanksgiving feast!” Paul said. “Rice, matooke, chapatti, and beef!”The excited cheers

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St. Ameria Orphanage – Mbiko, Uganda

St. Ameria orphanage is located in Uganda in the small city of Mbiko, located also near the larger city of Jinja on the shores of Lake Victoria. Edith is the founder and headmistress of the orphanage and was an orphan herself on the streets of Mbiko. Out of that experience, Edith has an amazing heart of compassion for the orphans

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