Today we made our way to a slum area, which is home to an estimated 6000 people. It is an extremely poor area, and our friends from R&R; have been working in this slum for many years. Sickness, rape, abuse are common in the slum, and the most heartbreaking stories are those of children who are being abused. The R&R; staff are working to bring education to children on basic living skills, abuse prevention & much more.

We came alongside the R&R; staff today to lend a helping hand. They are working here 3 times a week to provide medical help, counseling, sports activities, and a preschool in this slum.

Today we distributed 250 bags of rice, with some information inside so they will be able to contact the R&R; staff. Many people have come to this slum, promising rice in exchange for pictures, but they often do not follow through. Our hope is that this food distribution will not only provide relief, but also support the long term work that R&R; is doing amongst the people.

Check back tomorrow for our day of painting at the R&R; house. This is our last day in India, and what a life changing trip this has been!