With the Street Kids Orphanage |
We arrived at the Chennai Street Kids Orphanage, and immediately were greeted by 34 of the most wonderful kids you could ever imagine. These kids come from a WIDE assortment of backgrounds. Some are true orphans, one little 11 year old girl was dropped off on the streets of Chennai (a city of 8,000,000 people!) because her mother thought she was ‘cursed’ and needed to be sent out of the house. Freddy and Daisy rescued her and she is now a happy little girl safely protected by “Daddy and Mommy”, the children’s name for Freddy and Daisy.
Others were orphaned, and no family was willing to take them in. Only Freddy and Daisy were willing. Not only were they willing, they were delighted to rescue these little lives. Others were abandoned by family who just didn’t care or who could no longer take care of their children. Every story is heartbreaking, and yet, every story has a happy ending. The happy ending is that they are now loved and nurtured in this wonderful home. The kids are getting a tremendous education, and will be doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers and other professions.
We met Maggie and Sam a year and a half ago. They were extremely small for their ages, and they showed signs of extreme malnutrition. They had been rescued for a horrifically abusive situation where their mother decided to starve them to heath to get rid of her “problem”. Daisy rescued them from the home and took the children directly to the hospital, just to save their lives. When I first met them, they were emaciated, and were just beginning the long road to restore their health. BUT, that was a year and a half ago. Maggie and Sam are different children today. They are bright and funny. They’re full of life, and Wow! Can they ever eat! All the devastating effects of a home where the mother wanted them dead are now gone. It was so fun to be with them.
Maggie and Sam at Dinner Tonight |
We provided a special meal for the kids tonight. We wanted to totally bless them, and even ended the meal with ice cream, a treat they seldom get. It was a good day at the Street Kids Orphanage, because lives are being saved and redeemed. Thank you, Freddy and Daisy!