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Formando Vidas

Since 1983, Formando Vidas has been caring for the street children of Bogota. Among these are children who are victims of drug abuse, prostitution, and those who are refugees from the guerilla and paramilitary Wars.

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She was a gang leader at age 9

Claudia’s* mother died when she was just five years old. Her father informed her that she really didn’t need a mother, and was going to be fine without one. Since her dad was an alcoholic, Claudia began a journey into a life of neglect, and became very hard and very tough. She is a natural leader, and became a gang

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Colombia Journey

We arrived in Columbia Sunday afternoon.  It was a beautiful sunny day, but very chilly. Even though Bogota is in the tropics, it is at an altitude of 8700 feet, which makes it very cool much of the year. What a delight to see Steve Bartel greet us as we came out of customs. He took us right away to the Bogota

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A young Ugandan boy smiling directly at the camera

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