The House of Joy is one of those amazing ministries that we support through Streams of Mercy. They are located in the remote Rift Valley region of Ethiopia. This orphanage currently has five babies who have been abandoned or relinquished.

We visited the House of Joy in March, just before it was launched. No babies were in the home yet, but they would soon receive their first abandoned child. Our team included some business people, our daughter-in-law Charlene, and my grandson Will. This trip made a profound impact on my grandson. After he got home he made a decision to raise finances for the House of Joy through his church confirmation class and parents. Will produced a two minute video to share the needs of abandoned babies in Ethiopia. He was able to raise $700 and many clothing items for the babies. That offering would buy a months worth of formula and cereal for these precious little babies.
When we arrived at the home we found out that they have five babies in the home. You can imagine how our hearts were touched as we saw and held these little ones. I have to admit that I think Ethiopian babies or some of the most beautiful babies on the earth.

As the workers stacked the formula for photos, we went on a short tour of the home. The last room on our tour was the store room where they keep the formula, diapers, and medicines for the babies. When they opened the cabinet for the formula I was shocked to see that there was only one can of formula left in the cabinet. Will’s gift of formula and cereal met an immediate and pressing need for this home. $700 bought a months worth of formula and food for the babies. My eyes filled with tears, and I was brought back to tears several times during the day, as I realized how important Will’s gift was to these little lives.

The House of Joy is an incredible ministry. It is meeting the desperate needs of abandoned babies. We already support the House of Joy every month, but our hearts cry is to be able to expand our giving and to provide formula every month for this home. Would you, your church group, or your business, want to support the House of Joy through Streams of Mercy? It will change the lives of these little ones.