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Kids at Ethiopia Forsaken Children Drop-In Center education

Hope for Orphans – Education Breaks The Chains Of Poverty

As summer ends, we rejoice over the new students that are in upper-level education! These young people are walking towards a bright future, breaking the chains of poverty. Streams of Mercy’s project, Education for Orphans, gives hope to those who have no way to finish their education. Last semester, we saw several young people graduate! They are now working in

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stock photo man plowing dry field with starving cows

Devastating Famine in Ethiopia!

Ethiopia faces the 5th consecutive failed rainy season. Parts of Ethiopia are experiencing the worst drought in more than 40 years, according to the United Nations. This threat leads to famine, malnutrition, and death.    The March-May rainy season is the driest on record, devastating livelihoods and deepening a pre-existing humanitarian emergency. The World Meteorological Organization says there is a risk that the October-December

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Kids from the Uganda Foster Family School looking directly into the camera

Education for Orphans – Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Rejoice With Us Over Our Graduates! If orphans do not get an education, education breaks the chains of poverty.  Rejoice with us, five of our Ugandan college students have graduated! The last two are so close. One has a final semester. The last is in an engineering program which requires 2 more years of education. Streams of Mercy, through our

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group of children smiling on streets calcutta

A Beacon of Hope In Calcutta, India

A Beacon of Hope The House of Hope is a place of refuge for children living on the streets of Kolkata, India. It brings hope to the lowest caste in India. This is where families live on a blanket…. if they are fortunate enough. When children go to the House of Hope they receive food, education, medical care and love.

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2021: A Year Of Incredible Impact

This has been an incredible year of caring for the poor and needy! Through all of the challenges our world has faced these past two years, our organization has seen incredible growth and increased impact around the world.  While it is nearly impossible to summarize everything we’ve accomplished in one post, we have gathered several key highlights that have made

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Abandoned Babies Need Formula! House of Joy Ethiopia

The House of Joy Home For Abandoned Babies Needs Formula! The House of joy is a home for abandoned babies brought to us by government social workers. They have no other place to bring these precious children. It is extremely difficult to find formula to feed these little ones. Most of these babies are incredibly malnourished. It’s a great challenge

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temporary tent provides some shade for patients waiting at the village medical center in uganda

Kangulumira Village Medical Clinic is saving lives

The Village Medical Clinic is meeting so many needs! The Kangulumira Village Medical Clinic in Uganda is amazing. This clinic was started in 1993 to help the poorest of the poor. The primary focus was originally to help patients fighting the stigma of AIDS. The people in the area battle the prejudices that come from struggling with a disease all

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Coronavirus Emergency Relief Fund Update

Coronavirus. COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2. Whatever name you go by everywhere you go in the world people know what you are talking about. This is probably one of the few times in history that one word is so easily recognized in every language and people group. While the COVID-19 itself is concerning, the effects reach very deep in every life. While we

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A young Ugandan boy smiling directly at the camera

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