Ethiopia faces the 5th consecutive failed rainy season. Parts of Ethiopia are experiencing the worst drought in more than 40 years, according to the United Nations. This threat leads to famine, malnutrition, and death.  Â
The March-May rainy season is the driest on record, devastating livelihoods and deepening a pre-existing humanitarian emergency. The World Meteorological Organization says there is a risk that the October-December rainy season could also fail.
Many agencies are saying they are underfunded and unable to provide enough food. This leads to an even greater devastation in the already drought filled country. The risk of a massive famine is undeniable.
New Life Ethiopia help where they can. They provide for as many as they can. They help the families in the drought-affected villages they are already working in.

Stories of Starvation from famine
In every village, reports of death from starvation because of famine are already pouring in. Here are a couple of shocking stories shared with us.
One little girl came to a hospital with severe abdominal cramping. The doctor discovered an intestinal obstruction due to acute hunger. The child was unable to be saved. It is heartbreaking to think a child could die from something like this. This is something so easily preventable.
Aman has seven children. The corn crop he planted did not survive the drought. Farms in other areas needed help; so Aman made a hard decision and sent his children to be indentured servants. This is unthinkable to us, but for Aman this choice allows his children to eat. Which meant his children would live.
So many other parents have had to make this same decision.
$60 provides food for one family for one month. With your partnership, we can avert starvation and death.
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You can make an impact
$60 provides food for one family for one month. Unfortunately, due to rising prices, this has much higher than it used to be.
New Life Ethiopia’s goal is to provide 500 food packets with a month of staples to help families struggling with famine in their communities. This is an immediate and urgent need. People are suffering.
With your partnership, we can avert starvation and death!