From the Streets of Zimbabwe to a Future of Hope

At just 10 years old, Linnet’s life in Zimbabwe was marked by profound loss and loneliness. After losing her mother, she and her sister were left without a home, without family, and without hope. The streets of Bulawayo became their only refuge—a dangerous place where every day was a fight to survive.

Life on the Streets

Life on the streets was brutal. Linnet dreamed of going to school, of living like other children, but the harsh reality was that she had no one to turn to. She was part of a “street family”—a community of survival, where the future seemed as bleak as the present.

Like many other street children, Linnet longed for the love and care of a family. But no matter how much she hoped, the reality was grim. She remained an orphan with no safety, no guidance, and no future.

linette from fountain of hope
fountain of hope children group picture

A Divine Calling to Care

In 1998, as the HIV/AIDS crisis was ravaging Zimbabwe, Gideon and Jennifer Chishamba were praying for direction in their ministry work. Through Isaiah 58, God called them to care for the poor and vulnerable in their community. Though they didn’t even have a home of their own at the time, they knew they were being called to open their hearts and eventually their home to orphans and vulnerable children.

What began with providing daily meals for a small group of orphans soon grew as more and more children in need came to them for help. One of these children was Linnet.

Finding a Family at Fountain of Hope

When members of the Fountain of Hope Child Protection Team found Linnet and her sister living on the streets, they were brought to Fountain of Hope, the home established by Gideon and Jennifer Chishamba. For the first time in her life, Linnet had a safe place to call home. She was no longer alone—she had a family.

At Fountain of Hope, Linnet’s life began to transform. She was enrolled in school, something she had always dreamed of but never thought possible. With each passing day, she grew stronger—not just in her studies, but in her hope for the future.

A Dream for the Future

Today, Linnet has completed her primary and secondary levels of education and is training in catering management. Her dreams extend beyond just securing a future for herself. She aspires to open her own catering business, where she can employ other vulnerable children, helping them gain independence and stability.

Linnet’s heart is set on making a difference in the lives of others—just as her life was transformed by the love and care she received at Fountain of Hope.

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A Testimony of Transformation

Linnet’s journey from the streets to a future filled with hope is a powerful testament to the impact of love, faith, and community. What started as a calling from God to Gideon and Jennifer has grown into a ministry that has changed the lives of countless children.

Linnet once found herself abandoned and alone. But today, thanks to the Fountain of Hope, she has a family, a purpose, and a bright future ahead.

Together, We Can Help More
Children Like Linnet

Without the support of generous donors like you, Linnet might still be living on the streets, vulnerable to exploitation and harm. But today, she has hope, a future, and a family to call her own.

Your continued support makes stories like Linnet’s possible. Thank you for being a part of this journey of transformation.