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Hope Haven Homes

Central Asia

Imagine a life without hope. Raised in an institution, no one teaches you valuable life skills. Your 18th birthday is looming, a birthday many look forward to you dread. You know you will not only be parentless, you will suddenly be homeless. You will be expected to move away from the only place you have ever known and survive on your own with no support. This is what hundreds of children face in Central Asia. 

Not that the orphanage was the ideal home, while there are paid workers in the orphanage who take care of cooking, cleaning and maintenance no one really taught you anything or even spent time with you. But still, where can you go? You could get a menial job, but that will be a struggle. There is always the option of prostitution, you don’t want to do it, but do you really have a choice? 

Hope Haven is a transitional home whose goal is meeting the practical needs of these young women as they prepare for life outside of the orphanage. By providing a transitional home that allows these young women to stay 1-2 years, these girls receive many valuable life skills. Not only do they find hope and healing, they are also receiving vocational training, medical care and valuable life skills. They are building a future and finding hope and healing. 

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Hope Haven Homes

Central Asia

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A young Ugandan boy smiling directly at the camera

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