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Refugee Care Team

Central Asia

Imagine fleeing from your home under religious persecution and war to a country where you don’t speak the language, don’t have a job, don’t have food, don’t have the money for medical care and don’t have a home or even family support. The Refugee Care Team (RTC) is reaching out to people just like this.

They are currently meeting the physical needs of 30 refugee families. Restrictions put in place during COVID-19 affected the Refugee Care Team’s ability to distribute food, but they are back in action! They are also provide clothing, bedding, doctor’s visits and much needed medicine. The RTC is now helping with rent for refugees who are out of work because of COVID-19. While meeting physical needs is vital, they are also meeting emotional and social needs. They are building relationships with these refugees, listening to their stories, encouraging them, and providing friendship and prayer. The team members, in turn, are becoming the extended family to these desperate refugees. Lives of refugee families are being transformed, the RTC gives hope to the hopeless.

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Refugee Care Team

Central Asia

Together we are changing the lives of orphans

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A young Ugandan boy smiling directly at the camera

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