On Easter Friday, Maria was working in her vegetable garden when she heard a crying baby. She asked her husband about it, but he thought it was a neighbor’s baby. She continued to work in the garden.
On Sunday night, while in bed, she heard the baby cry again. Her husband thought it was a stray cat. But then, he heard the baby, too. They quickly went to the trash heap near their house. Now, they could clearly hear the baby crying. Maria’s husband called his neighbors to come to help. They eventually found a hole in the ground covered by trash and broken glass. Then, they found the baby wrapped in a black plastic trash bag. They quickly called the police, and took the baby to a local hospital. The baby’s placenta was still attached to his body and he was covered in maggots, ants and worms.
After spending two weeks in the hospital, little Ecson was released to the care of the All Nations Mozambique Children’s Home. All Nations is a wonderful ministry that Streams of Mercy has supported for several years. Baby Ecson became part of their family.
Maria and her husband talked often about little Ecson. They had a deep sense that this baby was a gift of God to their family. They started the adoption process, and soon, they came to pick up their adopted son. Friends and family, and the directors of All Nations gathered with food and champagne to celebrate the arrival of Ecson into this special family. Now, he is loved and nurtured by this mom and dad.
Streams of Mercy now supports 31 orphanages in 13 nation of the world.
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– Wick & Jan Nease
For more information, please visit our main site: streamsofmercy.org
To find out more about All Nations Children’s Homes, Mozambique Click Here