Yes it’s true! Jan and I were attacked in India. It didn’t happen on the streets. It happened the small apartment, in a plain, ordinary apartment building in Pune, India. We were the unexpected victims of the attack of precious little kids from the Transition Home of the Good Shepherd Homes.
As soon as we walked in the door they swarmed us and they were yelling “Wick Uncle”, “Wick, Uncle”. Then, they surrounded us and gave us one of the best group hugs we’ve ever had.
The transition home is one of my favorite places on Earth. These are the little kids that have been rescued from the streets – from work slavery, and sex slavery. They are the small children of the good Shepherd homes. Their lives have been absolutely transformed by the love and care given by the Good Shepherd staff. I look at the loving faces of these little ones, and I want to cry and laugh all at the same time. They’ve endured unspeakable horrors, but they’ve been rescued from that life by this amazing ministry. We’re so blessed to partner with them through Streams of Mercy.

After the group hug Sunali comes to my side. I fell hopelessly in love with her a couple years ago when we first visited the Transition Home. From the first time I saw her, she began to call me ‘Grandfather’. She had been a work slave in a slum in India. Sunali stays close by, and she smiles with that gentle, loving smile. How could this little orphan girl have experienced such a devastating past, and how can she be so loved now?

Soon, all of the children run out of the room. I wonder where they’ve gone, until they return holding a precious treasure. They’re all holding the pair of shoes that they purchased through our Shoes for Orphans project that many of you have given to. The kids want to a shoe store, and were able to pick out and shoes that they personally loved. This is a rare occasion for them. They were very proud of their purchases, and I had to comment on every single pair of shoes. Some of them were sandals. Some of them are running shoes. All of them were precious treasures for these little kids. I’m amazed that such a small gift can make such a big impact.
I sit here today “wrecked” by the Love of God. He’s given us a glimpse of His heart for these kids. How can we ever be the same? Jan and I are so very grateful for all who give to make this ministry possible through your prayers and giving to Streams of Mercy.