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Rescue House – Rescuing Girls From Sex Slavery

Sex Slavery is the hidden secret in most societies. It is not discussed but it affects most families or extended families in a country like India. In India alone 200 girls A DAY are sold into prostitution. This is NOT their choice, and shockingly, 80% of them are sold by family members. We drove through the streets of a major

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The Red Light District • Children of Prostitutes Preschool

A woman in the Red Light waits at her door Light of Life Preschool We traveled through the streets of Pune, India, and were headed to the Red Light District.  This area is on the spiritual dark side of the city.  We had heard of Dr. Ruby for some time and were eager to see this ministry for ourselves.  As

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Beauty From Ashes – The Santvana Comforter Aids Home

  With the children of Satvana Comforter Home What a joy to see Dr. Edwards again. She’s a retired medical doctor, and a woman of great compassion and faith. She founded the Santvana Comforter Aids Home almost 6 years ago. There are 30 children who now call Santvana their home. These kids have been infected with, or affected by, the

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These Children are Rescued From The Streets

With the Kids at Good Shepherd Home Today we gathered at the Good Shepherd Homes and met the most incredible kids and staff. The Good Shepherd Homes (GSH) rescue children from the streets of Mumbai and Pune, India, and transform their lives. Our first stop was the Transition Home. The children here are the small ones who had been living

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Heading to India

The last week has been a whirlwind getting ready to head off to visit 7 orphanages in Southern India. Packing has been the greatest challenge. We always take many things to the kids in the orphanages. This time us no exception. My grandson, Will, wanted to do something special for the kids in the homes. He personally bought a case

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I Am Not Forgotten

Monday we loaded up in the bus and headed to the Children of Lepers Home. Little Lights is home to 33 Children whose parents & or grandparents live in the leper colony. The vision of the staff is to see the lives & futures of the kids transformed. They want to break the cycle of generations that have no other

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A New Team In India!

This week Streams of Mercy has a team in India visiting the three homes we sponsor in the city of Chennai. The theme of this trip is “you are not forgotten”. They’re presenting a terrific puppet show, giving out clothes, food, solar lights and more. Check back this week for highlights from the trip.

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A young Ugandan boy smiling directly at the camera

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